2010年11月30日 星期二

哈燒新聞 - 第58期

哈燒新聞 第58期 ..(遠東高中英文網站提供)
Myanmar Finally Releases Aung San Suu Kyi
She is the daughter of General Aung San, a hero of Burmese independence. Suu Kyi spent much of her early life outside of Myanmar, studying in India and at Oxford University in England. And she has not seen her children for ten years. Often compared to South Africa's Nelson Mandela, who also spent many years in prison for daring to oppose his country's racist policy of Apartheid, Suu Kyi is the country formerly known as Burma's inspiration for freedom.

  她是緬甸獨立英雄翁山將軍的女兒。年輕時的翁山蘇姬長年旅居海外,她曾經在印度和英國牛津大學求學。 她已經有十年沒有見到自己的孩子。 她經常被比喻成因為反對南非總族隔離政策而長年坐牢的曼德拉,翁山蘇姬被稱為啟發緬甸自由的靈魂人物。

"It's a form of apartheid," Suu Kyi said of the often-made comparison. "In Africa, it was apartheid based on color. Here, it is apartheid based on ideas. It is as though those who want democracy are somehow of an alien inferior breed and this is not so." She also said, "The present crisis is the concern of the entire nation. I could not, as my father's daughter, remain indifferent to all that was going on. This national crisis could, in fact, be called the second struggle for independence."

  「這是種族隔離的一種型態」,翁山蘇姬經常打這種比方。「在非洲,種族隔離是因為膚色的不同。 在這裡,種族隔離是因為觀念的不同。 渴望民主的人民似乎被視為次等人民,然而這不應該是如此。」 她也說「現在的問題是整個國家必須關注的問題。 身為我父親的女兒,我絕對不能坐視不管。這個國家的危難,事實上,應該被稱為獨立運動後的第二次抗爭。」

"She is the symbol of the hope for the people of Burma. If she is out today the whole country will rise up, will follow her," said Khin Omar of the Network for Democracy and Development. Over the years, Suu Kyi has made it clear that she remains devoted to bringing democracy to Myanmar.


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