2010年12月1日 星期三

哈燒新聞 - 第59期

哈燒新聞 第59期 ..(遠東高中英文網站提供)
North Korea Producing Low Enriched Uranium
Stanford University professor Siegfried S. Hecker posted a report of his November 12 visit to the Yongbyon, North Korea, facility on the university's website last Saturday. According to Hecker's report, the enrichment facility is comprised of 2,000 centrifuges but is currently designed for nuclear power production, "not to boost North Korea's military capability," Hecker says. "Nevertheless, the uranium enrichment facilities could be readily converted to produce highly-enriched uranium (HEU) bomb fuel," he adds.

  史丹佛大學的赫克教授,上週六在大學網站首頁發表了11月20日造訪北韓寧邊核設施的報告書。根據赫克的報告書,濃縮設施共有 2000 個離心機,但是目前這個設計是用於生產核電,赫克表示「這些不是用來提升北韓的軍事力量」。 他又說「儘管如此,濃縮鈾設施可以隨時更換並且生產炸彈燃料,高濃縮鈾。」

Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff said, "This confirms or validates the concern we've had for years about their enriching uranium, which they've denied routinely. The new nuclear facility violates U.N. Security Council resolutions on North Korea's nuclear program. North Korea is a country that routinely we are unable to believe that they would do what they say.”

  美軍參謀首長聯席會議主席,穆倫上將表示「這證實了或確認了我們多年來一直在擔心的北韓濃縮鈾問題,這是他們不斷否認的問題。這些全新的核能設施已經違反聯合國安理會制裁北韓核子計畫的決議。 北韓不是一個我們可以相信且言出必行的國家。」

"I've been concerned for a long time about instability in that region. Quite frankly, North Korea's been at the center of that," Mullen added. "We've worked hard with other countries to try to bring pressure on them to have them comply. They haven't done that. The assumption certainly is that they continue to head in the direction of additional nuclear weapons. They also are known to proliferate this technology. So they're a very dangerous country."

  「我長期一直關注那個區域的不穩定性。坦白說,北韓就是主因」,穆倫補充說道。 「我們努力結合其他國家的力量來迫使他們順服。 但是他們還沒做到。 我們的猜測就是他們持續往生產更多核武的方向前進。 他們也知道如何迅速發展這個科技。 所以他們是一個很危險的國家。」

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